Tag Archives: Estudios

Dando una Conferencia….Tecno Campus de Matar贸

21 Ene

Hola a todos 馃槈

Semanas atr谩s, me contact贸 un viejo amigo, Juanito Diaz, con el que he compartido largas horas de m煤sica, y con los a帽os, los dos al final hemos terminado envueltos profesionalemente en este sector.

Qu茅 sorpresa la m铆a!! Me ped铆a el favor de dar una Conferencia en la Universidad Tecno-Campus de Matar贸, acerca de mi trabajo. Lo que al principio me parec铆a una idea un poquito descabellada, ya que no es algo habitual que los managers demos conferencias, y por cuadrar agenda, al final pens茅 que si pod铆a aportar mi granito de arena e iba a servir de algo a los alumnos, pues encantada.

Fijamos la fecha para el lunes 17 de Diciembre, a las 13h. Ten铆amos el aula reservada para una hora, aunque el plan era que fuera de unos 20 minutos.聽Invit茅 a mi amiga Marina, responsable de la parte de Marketing de Juanjo Martin, para que tambi茅n aportara algunas herramientas de su sector a la Conferencia.

Cuando llegamos al aula, estaba completa, y fue cuando sent铆: Dios que responsabilidad!


Hi everybody 馃槈

Weeks ago, I was contacted by an old friend, Juanito Diaz, with whom I have shared many hours of music, and over the years, both of us have ended up involved in the music industry.

What a surprise for me!! He was asking me the favour to give a lecture at the Mataro Tecno-Campus (Barcelona) about my work.
What at first seemed a little crazy idea, as it鈥檚 unusual for artist managers to give conferences and also my agenda is pretty busy, the more I thought about it the more interesting it seemed, as if I could contribute on any form for the students to learn something else, I would be delighted.

We set the date for Monday December 17th, at 13h. We had the conference room reserved for an hour, but the original plan was to be about 20 minutes. I invited my friend Marina, responsible for Juanjo Martin鈥檚 marketing, so she could also provide some tools from her sector to the Conference.

When we got to the classroom, it was filled with students, and that was when I thought: God what a responsibility!

Panor谩mica Conferencia

Panor谩mica Conferencia II

Trat茅 de ser sincera, les expliqu茅 mi propia experiencia, y les anim茅 a que no desistieran en su objetivos. De verdad deseo que todos alcancen un sitio en este sector: 脕NIMO!

Hablamos de productos, de c贸mo forjar un producto de 茅xito, de cu谩les son las claves y aspectos a tener en cuenta para definir un producto y saber qu茅 camino escoger; hablamos de valores, de branding, de estilos musicales, logos, comunicaci贸n, expresiones, imagen. Comparamos varios casos de 茅xito como Rihanna y David Guetta, Sponsorship, acciones de Marketing, Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, y hablamos de la situaci贸n actual del negocio en nuestro pa铆s, adem谩s de nuevas oportunidades de negocio en Espa帽a, refiri茅ndonos a nuestro sector.


I tried to be as honest as possible, I spoke from my own experience, and encouraged them not to give up on their objectives. I really wish for them to reach a place in this industry: COME ON!!

We talk about products, how to build a successful product, what are the keys and aspects to consider when defining a product and to know which way to choose. We talk about values, branding, musical styles, logos, media, expressions, communication. We also compared several success stories such as Rihanna and David Guetta, Sponsorship, Marketing actions, Corporate Social Responsibility, and talked about the current business situation in our country, as well as new business opportunities in Spain, referring to our industry.

Paty Y Marina, en plena Conferencia

Muy contenta con mis Alumnos!

Paty Explicando

Viviendo la experiencia

Que graciosa qu茅 estoy de profesora!

Paty y Marina

En plena explicaci贸n

Casi se convirti贸 en un debate, ya que muchos de los alumnos terminaron aportando sus preguntas y puntos de vista, aunque realmente en un inicio no sintieran curiosidad por este sector, me alegro mucho haber podido transmitir lo divertido que es trabajar en la M脷SICA y que realmente los chicos vieran una oportunidad ah铆.

La conferencia, termin贸 siendo de hora y media, y con 30 preguntas al final, hasta nos quedamos con un grupo al terminar… Gracias por el inter茅s a todos chic@s!!


It almost became a debate, since many of the students ended up adding their thoughts, asking questions and giving their point of view, although initially they did not feel really curious about this industry. I’m glad to have been able to communicate how much fun it is to work in MUSIC and that the students really saw a new opportunity there.

The conference ended up being an hour and a half long, and been asked more than 30 questions at the end. Even when finished we stayed with a smaller group… Thanks for all the shown interest guys!

Paty y Marina con Juanito

Marina y Juanito, componentes de la Conferencia

Paty y Marina, Alumno 3

Un futuro fot贸grafo y muy participativo en la Conferencia

Paty y Marina, Alumno 2

Con otro Alumno!

Paty y Marina, Alumno 4

Con otra Alumna!

Espero que os sirva de ayuda.

Un beso!!


I hope this can help.

A kiss!!